Tuesday, December 14, 2010

An Oreo Ball Adventure

I follow a few blogs, and I was completely inspired by Jessica's oreo balls. After reading her recipe, I was sold on the oreos, cream cheese, and chocolate. Uh, hello best foods combined ever?

Since I just moved into my new digs and have a kitchen appliance population made up of a refrigerator, a microwave, and a blender, I had to get creative when thinking up a fun treat to take to a recent holiday party. Thank you, Jessica, for the delight that is oreo balls.

these bite-sized suckers will find their way to your mouth in threes. 
What you need:
1. a package of oreos (I used regular reduced fat.. you can use the mint-filled as well!)
2. an 8 oz. tub of cream cheese (also reduced fat.. obviously, my route is to eat as many oreo balls as I can for less fat grams)
3. any type of chocolate chips (I used white chocolate)
4. parchment paper
5. 2 cookie sheets

Since I had no food processor, I put the oreos in a ziplock baggie and crushed them with a cup.  Since I also have no mixer yet, I kneeded the oreo crumbles into the cream cheese with my hands (FUN mess!).

Then, I took the doughy oreo and made little bite-sized balls.  Remember to keep them small, cause they'll get bigger when you dip them in chocolate.
Anastasia was my partner in crime/fellow oreo baller
Stick those oreo balls on a parchment paper covered cookie sheet and keep them in the freezer for about an hour.  Since they'll be cold, the chocolate will harden faster in the next step.
WARNING: melty white chocolate will be cosumed.
Melt the chocolate chips one cup at a time in a shallow bowl (I used the microwave), and keep stirring to ensure it's still a little thick. Then, take a tiny spoon and roll the balls in the chocolate.
Stick them back on the wax paper, put them in the freezer for another hour, and you're good to go for toppings!


I wish I had more chips... I only one big bag, but if I had more, I would have covered the oreo balls with another layer.  It just makes 'em prettier.  :)
after one coat of chocolate
I added some red frosting for some color, but crushed peppermint as a topping (Jessica's suggestion - hers looked beautiful!) or sprinkles would have worked wonderfully.

Make these for a party, and they'll be a crowd favorite. Happy oreo ballin'!


Aasia said... [Reply]

mmm..ive dipped em in chocolate before but white chocolate is wayyy yummier! they look super cute if u use mini cupcake liners as holders to put them in a tin or something.
i like the red on them! ive always used a toothpick, not a spoon to dip them. is it easy?

Alyssa said... [Reply]


welp, I learned from my momma after the fact that a toothpick is easier. but I was rolling the ball around in the chocolate and it was pretty easy! ;)

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