Monday, December 27, 2010

A Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

Our Christmas sure was a fun one with the kiddos. I got to spend a whole bunch of quality time with my nieces, especially Adelyn, who is already “TWO” (as she will tell you)! 
Addy loves her mac & cheese
Since my camera is missing in action, we used Amy’s fancy new one to take our yearly pictures in front of the tree. Clearly, we needed a lot of “takes” to get this one right with the timer on Amy's new camera.
take one..
I'm lovin' Kylie's face!
the best part of this beaut is not Adelyn's awkward wriggling.
It's the overcompensating my mother is doing for everyone else's struggles.
Noticing the awkward bandage on my dad's face? No, he didn't get in a Christmas Eve bar fight... he is the victim of a "scope bite" which he got the night before Christmas Eve when he was hunting with his buddy. That's right, my dad's now a hunter in his North Carolina retirement adventures.

The girls eagerly awaited Santa’s arrival in their new Christmas pajamas and were up at 4:50 a.m. to see what he had left for them. Fortunately, my sister was able to hold them off for a few hours!
Christmas pajamas, yippee!
And no puppies were found under the tree... but I do have an approaching birthday on January 8th!

this little treasure was found in my dad's stocking, though... ;)
My momma's good friend Andie tried to solve all my problems with a Christmas gift... it was a solid effort, Andie!
I still like my stuffed pup.
I have to say, all the long distance family members were very missed. Every year, I long for the days everyone would crowd into our little Medford house.  There were SO many presents under that tree!  I will always dream for the return of big Christmases, complete with the Poppop, Jones and Jones family, and all those other long distance family members I miss so much. I love you all!

I hope everyone had a wonderful, magical Christmas!


Zandi Watts said... [Reply]

I love all of your posts, aly :)

Alyssa said... [Reply]

aw, thank you, zandi! i love that you're reading!

Erin Kidd said... [Reply]

I like that red dress

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