Friday, December 3, 2010


I'm officially completely frustrated with my body and its inability to withstand injury.

I was running a lot over the summer. Since my summer job was in management of a restaurant (before my job in a school no), my hours were irregular, my boyfriend and almost all of my friends were studying for the VA bar exam, and I had no life, I had a lot of time on my hands to train for the VA Beach Rock 'N' Roll Half Marathon. Any injuries then? Nope.

Back in training for my first half marathon (The November 2009 OBX Half Marathon), I ran plenty. Did I get hurt then? No.

we're all feelin' good at the start of the OBX Half Marathon!
I did pretty well in my training for the September 2010 Rock 'N' Roll... until July when I  hit a little bump in the road  tripped over a curb and ate some serious pavement.

to Patient First, I go...
Some stitches, pain killers, and a few weeks later, I was good to go and did fine in the race. Right afterwards, I tried to keep up my training since I'll be running the Shamrock Half in March (it's true... races are so addicting).

After some running, I started to feel some pain in my hip. I got some new Asics. It got better.

In the beginning of October, a shooting pain evolved down the outside of my right quad. After some research, I realized I was facing an IT band strain, which kept me off the treadmill for a good month. This made me wary for the Turkey Trot, but I babied it and did fine.  I was psyched when I ran the race in good time with no pain.

Now, enter... Monday.  I got a good run in (had to run off that Thanksgiving food!), and hopped back on the treadmill on Tuesday to find I could barely run at half-pace without right behind my knee killing me.

Hamstring strain? Really?

I'm extremely frustrated, sick of getting hurt, and very curious as to why I keep getting injuries.  I know I need to be better hydrated, but I'm a good stretcher and I feel like I listen to my body.

Now is where all my athletic trainer lovers need to step in and add their two cents. Who wants to come therapy me in VA Beach? ;)


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