Okay, finally time for the Thanksgiving recap. I had a whirlwind of a Thanksgiving break!
After the 7 hour drive there, I overloaded on food (and loooots of it), shopping, wine glass painting, and a Turkey Trot!
It was my first ever Turkey Trot, which I was talked into by my cousin, Kristie. I was just coming off an IT band injury, so a little hesitant, but eventually was persuaded to register. A 5k has to be a piece of cake after getting so used to half marathons, right?
cousins ready to TROT |
we've always been cute. ;) |
I wasn't really looking forward to an exciting time for the 5k, considering I'm more of a long-distance runner and haven't been training well. These days, I'm running a
lot slower than I was this summer.
After waking up bright and early on Thanksgiving Day, my cousins Kristie and Greg and I drove down the Grand Strand to the starting line.
1 Alyssa Halter 22 Hertford NC 21:18
21:18 minutes later, I came in 20th overall and FIRST in my age group!
the finish at 21:18! |
I was so surprised and thrilled I was able to crank out a quick time after barely preparing. I'm usually
over prepared for races.
My cousin Kristie did fantastically. She beat her time by over two minutes! We must have good genes. ;)
chaaampions! |
I forsee more Turkey Trots in my future...
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