Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Heathified Egg McMuffin & Some 'Slaw

Is everyone else as fuh-fuh-freeezing as I am? Thank goodness for my ceramic space heater in my office, because I just couldn't get warm yesterday.

gimme that HEAT!
And how awful is the gym this time of year? I think December is my favorite gym time. Everyone is busy with their holiday prepping and parties, and they have no time for the gym. But NOW, all the "resolutioners" are over compensating for their holiday indulgences and working hard to take off their extra poundage in the gym.

The obnoxious pushy girl in me wants to yell, "get off my treadmill!"

The patient, nice girl that is typically present on the outside of me waits patiently as the walkers huff and puff for 30 minutes on the tread. For the past few weeks, I've been scrambling to get on right as someone cleans off their machine.

Oh, the woes of January. Haven't these non-regulars usually petered out by now?

I need a "half marathon training" pass that automatically lets me kick walkers and small children off the treadmill. "Because I need it more than you do."

After my gym time and a quick grocery run, I made an old favorite that I've noticed a lot of my fellow bloggers lovin' on as well.

The Healthified Egg McMuffin!

yum, yum, yum, and just as good as the real thing.
with a side of 'slaw.

oops.. almost forgot to snap this one before it was gone!
Who else is extremely over my awful camera phone pictures? I'm sorry.. the search for my camera continues.
speaking of coleslaw... who remembers this beauty?
My H.E.M. (healthified english muffin) last night consisted of:

   1 "everything" flavored bagel thin (I sometimes use light english muffins)
   a couple slices of deli smoked turkey
   2-4 egg whites
   1 wedge of laughing cow light cheese (french onion or garden herb flavored are my faves!)
   a dash of salt, a sprinkle of pepper

open-faced H.E.M.
Fry the egg whites and stack them on the warmed bagel thin, fry the turkey for a minute, and melt the cheese on the bagel thin for a warm, delicious treat.

For the coleslaw, I mixed a bag of Food Lion coleslaw with a splash of milk, apple cider vinegar, fat free mayo, and salt and peppa.

An easy AND a goodie. Yum-o!


Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun said... [Reply]

I went to the gym yesterday and was surprised it wasn't too awful. I hope it wasn't just a fluke though.

Rachel @ The Avid Appetite said... [Reply]

I have zumba + pilates tonight. I have a gym in my building and we hired an instructor to teach these classes on tuesday nights. I really look forward to it every week! That way, I'm not only on the treadmill for cardio :) Oh and I absolutely love Laughing Cow! Try the blue cheese one on a sandwich thin with a drizzle of honey - perfection.

Marg said... [Reply]

I need to start buying laughing cow cheese, french onion sounds good. I love making these at home.

Brittany @ A Healthy Slice of Life said... [Reply]

I'm so over the cold, too! And I love my little space heater :)

Your faux mcmuffin sounds delicious!!

Anonymous said... [Reply]

I so want a remote for my space heater. impressive!

Kevin said... [Reply]

Hey, nothing wrong with us walkers. Some of us pass the runners during the half marathons :-)

Alyssa said... [Reply]


ahah, Kevin, you SO don't count because you're doing a half marathon!

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Yes! I am definitely freezing! I'm sitting in front of our space heater right now too! ;)

And I love your healthified egg mcmuffin! :)

Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) said... [Reply]

Gahh TELL me about it!! I know we should be encouraging people's strives to get healthy, but NOT when they are hogging the treadmill, and people like us who are training for races need to use them!! Okay, rant over now! :P

I feel mean now. Gonna go hug a Treadmill Walker.

Anonymous said... [Reply]

I totally know what you mean about walkers on treadmills! Last week, I went to the gym and it was so crammed I ended up snagging the last elliptical and pumping out 30 minutes before calling it quits and heading to Whole Foods:)

On a side note, I just found your blog and really enjoy it! Congrats on the new about me page...I just wrote out mine as well. Feel free to check it out:)

Cat@BudgetBlonde said... [Reply]

Ooooh looks soooo yummy!!! You must be magic to make an egg mcmuffin be healthy AND taste like the real deal!!! Props, my friend, props.

alex said... [Reply]

my gym is never full so luckily I don't have that issue....I think they will all be gone by spring break!

Elin @andserenitytoo said... [Reply]

Mmm that looks good...
Stumbled across your blog, and I really like it! (love to smile too, although I should do more of it :) Actually made it one of my NYR to smile more often!)

Anonymous said... [Reply]

It's flippin freezing in our office. I often get mistaken for a bag lady since I have on my sweater jacket, hat, gloves and scarf....inside. absolutely ridiculous.

I go to the gym around 8P, it clears out around then and gives me a little more energy so I can stay up late!

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