Tuesday, February 8, 2011

To Hit The Treadmill, Or To Run Outside?

This guy used to be my arch nemesis.

After finishing my field hockey career, I took some time off from the workout circuit. I was so tired of being forced to work out every day, and I just wanted some time to regroup.

After a few months off, I was itchin' to get back in the game.

I haaaated the treadmill. I would force myself to run a mile, but I'd get so bored I'd have to get off and go do something else. Needless to say, my gym time wasn't so productive.

I'm not really sure what converted me to a treadmill runner. I started reading magazines (everyone would come up and ask me how I ran and read. "I don't know. I just do, okay?") Then, our college gym got a makeover and a TV distraction became realized.

And NOW, at the YMCA, I get my very on TV on my treadmill.

I can now go for miiiiles and miles! Give me a few episodes of King of Queens. Hit me with a Sex & The City marathon. Turn on some Criminal Minds for me, and I'll punch out a quick 8 miles no problem.

I'm easily satisfied when I have a TV in front of my face. I'm like a baby under a ceiling fan.

So, do I have a problem?

The girls from my school's cross country team would always yell at me to get off the treadmill and start running outside. But ya know what? Running outside is COLD right now. My nose runs, my legs are numb, I get shin splits, and my lungs burn. Waaaah!

When I hit my 7 mile run this weekend, though, I was surprised with how well I did with no distractions. I had Jamie for a few miles, but for the majority of the time, the run was just me, my Forerunner watch, and my thoughts (my itouch no longer holds a charge. what the heck? anyone know a fix for this? do I go buy a new battery?). And I wasn't bored at all.

can you tell I'm still learning to set this thing up? I realized .4 miles
into my run I had forgotten to reset it from my LAST run.  oops.
When I realized how much faster my pace is off the treadmill, I realized just how much I really need to get back outside. My trusty Forerunner showed me that without having to set my own speed, my legs do pretty well on their own.

So.. I want to know your thoughts. I know the treadmill is hard on your knees, but pavement and uneven ground gives me shin splints. Do you run faster outside or on the treadmill? Do you prefer outdoor runs? Do you get bored? And WHO can solve my itouch battery problem?


Rach said... [Reply]

I looove watching TV on the treadmill! I miss having that at the gym I used to go to. I can be on the treadmill an hour without even realizing it, haha!

Brittany @ A Healthy Slice of Life said... [Reply]

Although I'm not much of a runner, my vote goes to...
run where you want to! If you're running, you're running. If you're more likely to go further/longer/harder on the treadmill... do it gal!

alex said... [Reply]

I would go to apple, maybe this would help? http://support.apple.com/kb/TA44551

I get really bored...REALLY fast when I run, I have to have really upbeat music constantly in my ears to keep me going

Kayla (Little Miss Healthify) said... [Reply]

If I could watch tv on the treadmill, I would love running on it!

Anonymous said... [Reply]

I LOVE to run outside but really just cant swing it in the winter time... I get bored on the treadmill.
My ipod did that a while ago. I had to buy a new one :/

caree said... [Reply]

I definitely prefer running outside. I tried running on a treadmill this weekend because of ice outside and I am so much slower on the treadmill! I am not a fan of the cold either but if I dress accordingly, then I don't get cold. I also, warm up in my car and blast the heat before I go out and run and that gets my blood circulating and I am heated up before the run! ha!

Rachel @ The Avid Appetite said... [Reply]

Go you! I do watch TV on the treadmill, but alas, it's still not enough to keep me from getting bored pretty quickly!

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