Can you all believe it? Because I'm still recovering from the shock of actually getting my little baby. After three days with my new baby, I finally know what it's like to love and worry like a mama.
Now, you must hear the story.
I went home for a relaxing weekend in North Carolina to my parent's house. On Friday, we opened my birthday gifts, and my dad told me he needed me to go look at another house with him. Since my dad flips houses, he's constantly searching for his next project, so this was a pretty good cover.
The next day, when we headed to this "house," I was a little confused to see a nice neighborhood with newer houses. As we pulled into the driveway, I spotted some kennels in the back. It occurred to me what may be happening, but since my dad didn't return my smile, I just assumed I was getting ahead of myself. My parents have laughed at my puppy wishes for so long, I couldn't believe I'd actually get one.
Once we walked in the door of this nice house, a young couple and their gorgeous black lab greeted us at the door. I crouched down to pet her, telling her she looked just like my old doggy, Emma.
My dad said "Stacey, Alyssa doesn't know why we're here."
I looked up. It was then that I noticed the big nursing nipples on the dog I was petting. And the little "yip yip yip"s coming from two little kennels in the room.
I picked the one in my arms. ;) |
Would you believe me if I said I started tearing up and hopping up and down?
I was SO excited. I love surprises, I wanted a puppy
SO bad, and I was on cloud nine. I think I started getting dizzy when the three girl puppies I was able to choose from came pouring out of the kennel.
daddy got playtime with the three sisters |
These breeders had a smart system. They kept track of their puppies by their collar color, and I had to choose between an adorable "red," "black," and "blue" pup.
mineminemineminemineminemine! |
Worst task ever, right? I had to go with my gut on this one. The red-collared puppy was the calmest, the most drawn to playing with me, and the least rambunctious.
I just found my new 7 week old baby.
gimme those s |
On the car ride home, I told my parents I really liked the name Chloe for a puppy. No reason- I wouldn't name my puppy after a Kardashian (she's
Khloe, anyway), and I don't watch 24. I just like the name Chloe for a pretty black lab. :) We then decided her middle name should be some tribute to our wonderful black lab who passed a year ago, Emma.
we miss our Emma every day. |
When we got home, my dad pulled out Emma's lineage papers. What are the chances that
her mother's name would have been Chloe? There is no way my 6 year old self knew that at the time, so I think it's pretty darn perfect that I chose such a name.
Chloe came at a time when my family really needed something happy in our home. With recent events, we've been dragging a little, and Chloe was the perfect addition to our lives. Which brings me to her middle name - Ray. Because she's my little ray of sunshine. :) It may sound sappy, but it's oh, so true.
sleepy baby. what a tiring day! |
The best recommendation from our breeder? Chloe has slept in my bed with me the past three nights to "bond" with me. Helllooo, heaven!
A couple typical fun facts about Chloe Ray: She loves shoelaces. She will
not go potty in the rain. She has a bling-bling'in pink collar. She thinks any cords are the most interesting thing in the world. She likes snuggling with my shoes. She already sits for treats. She likes playing in her water bowl. She thinks walks are stupid. She finds mirrors mesmerizing. And she loves following her mama throughout the house.
I'm in love.